12:00pm EDT
11:30am EDT
12:00pm EDT
11:30am EDT
11:30am EDT
AG U.S. Missions Missionary/Chaplains Luncheon Rosen Centre, Grand Ballroom ABC
AG U.S. Missions MK Pizza Party (Luncheon, 1 of 2) Rosen Centre, Salons 15/16 (2nd Floor)
AG U.S. Missions MK Pizza Party (Luncheon, 2 of 2) Rosen Centre, Salons 17/18 (2nd Floor)
Alliance for AG Higher Education Luncheon ($55) Rosen Centre, Salons 11/12 (2nd Floor)
Disciple the World Luncheon | Powered by Bible Engagement Project ($55) OCCC, West Bldg., Valencia Ballroom BCD (4th Floor)
Girls on the Move: Generational Impact Luncheon ($55) Rosen Centre, Signature 2 (2nd Floor)
Network of Women Ministers Lunch ($55) Rosen Centre, Executive Ballroom
Project Rescue Luncheon ($25) Rosen Centre, Junior Ballroom
Sr. Ministers Luncheon | Ages 64/Under ($55) | Ages 65+ ($0) OCCC, West Bldg., Room 224
11:30am EDT